The Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

You may not know it but the cup of coffee you take every morning with your toast actually does your body a lot of good. And contrary to what you might think, drinking coffee everyday is actually a very healthy habit.

1 Cup Coffee Maker

In 2005, the University of Scranton released the results of a remarkable study showing that coffee is the number one source of anti-oxidants in the American diet. Anti-oxidants are components in your food that serve as your body's defense against many diseases including diabetes, cancer, stroke and other heart diseases. It is known to control free radicals that cause cell damage in the body, slowing down the ageing process and its effects and thereby resulting in a longer life span.

1 Cup Coffee Maker

Some studies have also shown that coffee intake resulted in increased alertness and information processing by as much as 10%. Additional studies show that coffee results in decreased depression, anxiety and generally uplifts the mood of the drinker. So if you are feeling down, downing a cup of coffee might just give you that perk you need.

Still these benefits should not be incentive enough to take too much coffee. Coffee is known to raise blood pressure, so try to spread out your intake throughout the day. Drinking one or two cups of coffee a day is advisable. If you must take a lot of coffee, choose decaf, as the study also shows that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee contain the same amount of anti-oxidants. If you have high blood pressure, however, it is best to cut down on your intake.

Enjoy your coffee!


The Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee
1 Cup Coffee Maker

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